The 10th edition of the Head Start Friendship Games Golf Championship 27 January 2025

Head Start FSG Golf 2024-25

The 10th edition of the Head Start Friendship Games Golf Championship was held on Monday, 27th January 2024 at the Karnataka Golf Association (KGA). 91 junior golfers from 38 schools across the city participated. Categories U-18 and U-15 played Stroke Play format while U-13, U-11, and U-9 played Stableford format.

FSG Golf 2024-25 Results >>

Disclaimer: The original Copyright(s) is (are) Solely owned by Head Start Educational Academy.

Additions to our sports facilities

A synthetic running track and a putting green are new additions to our sports facilities.

Disclaimer: The original Copyright(s) is (are) Solely owned by Head Start Educational Academy

The 9th edition of the Head Start Friendship Games Golf Championship 04 December 2023

Head Start FSG Golf 2023

The 9th edition of the Head Start Friendship Games Golf Championship was held on Monday, 04th December 2023 at the Karnataka Golf Association, Bangalore. The 18-hole Stroke Play/Stableford event featured 57 golfers from various schools, competing against each other in five categories.

FSG Golf 2023 Results >>

Disclaimer: The original Copyright(s) is (are) Solely owned by Head Start Educational Academy.

‘Aikyam’, our celebratory Festival of Music and Dance at Head Start Educational Academy, December 22nd & 23rd 2022

Aikyam 2022 Highlights video
Music: A rendition of 'In the End' from the album Hybrid Theory composed by Linkin Park performed by the children of Head Start Educational Academy.
Disclaimer: The original Copyright(s) is (are) Solely owned by Head Start Educational Academy.


Great Show!

I wanted to take a moment to congratulate you all on the fantastic Music Fest – Aikyam this year. The breadth and depth of performances were amazing. I especially enjoyed the Indian classical vocal and tabla performances put up by the children. I can only imagine the commitment and effort of the teachers and students to put up such a brilliant show. This is even more admirable given the gap we have had for the last 2 years. The entire event was managed so beautifully. Once again congratulations on the wonderful show. I look forward to seeing more of these in the future!
Warmest regards,
Rachel Gojer (a parent)

HSEA – a monsoon view

Our campus during the Bangalore monsoons.

Disclaimer: The original Copyright(s) is (are) Solely owned by Head Start Educational Academy.


2021 Montessori Europe Online Congress

At the 2021 Montessori Europe Online Congress held on May 21st and 22nd educators, doctors, scientists and children from across the world came together to reflect on the predicament we are facing as a global community. The theme was Envisioning the Future Together.

Head Start was invited to make and share two films. One was a Discussion on Climate Change, after watching the video Some of our children from Grades 9 and 10 came together to discuss this vital issue over Zoom. The second film was on Caring for Each Other.

Both films were shown at the Congress and viewers from around the world appreciated them, saying they resonated with the spirit behind Montessori’s vision for humanity: “It is quite evident that humans have a mission.” (Montessori, 1949)

Caring for Each Other

A Discussion on Climate Change

Disclaimer: The original Copyright(s) is (are) Solely owned by Head Start Educational Academy.

HSEA Children’s Voices

A sharing of thoughts on their return to campus after almost two years of online learning.

Disclaimer: The original Copyright(s) is (are) Solely owned by Head Start Educational Academy.


Head Start Educational Academy turned 15 this year and as a community, we have travelled through difficult times, but always with hope. The children in this music video represent the larger HSEA community for whom there is unity through diversity, positivity in times of adversity, and harmony through making music together. The song ‘Roshni’ is reflective of these deeper thoughts.

The videography and voice recordings for this music video were done from the individual participants' homes during the lockdown in 2020.

Disclaimer: The original Copyright(s) is (are) Solely owned by Head Start Educational Academy.

Celebrating 35 Years: 1984-2019

We have travelled with children for 35 years and they with us. We have grown together...sharing a purposeful journey. What is wonderful about our journey is that it continues, along different paths and avenues, but with a specific vision, to find ourselves within the connectivity of the universe. At Head Start, our greatest joy has been connecting with children, and seeing them evolve from the period of infancy to that of young adulthood; and being part of a team that shares a culture that is an integral part of our philosophy.

Disclaimer: The original Copyright(s) is (are) Solely owned by Head Start Educational Academy.