‘DAYictionary’ a play presented by HSEA

This play is a devised piece of theatre on the concept of the everyday, put together by the children of Grades 4 to 9.

Our play is about what makes the everyday. Is it the mundane? Is it a routine? Is it the special? Or does the day contain all of this?

Live Production Pictures

Rehearsal & Production Pictures

Directed by : Samta Shikhar & Ashwini Kumar Chakre
Movement Artist: Anitha Santhanam
Sounds: Karen D'Mello
Lights: Ashwini Kumar Chakre & Karen D'Mello
Photography and Videography: Virginia Rodrigues

& 4th December 2016
3:30 pm & 6:00pm, Duration: 60min, Venue: Lshva

Posted in Theatre.