
When the night is dreamy and the moon is the only light we have

If day is about school, sunshine, friends and playing, then what is night all about? How can the darkness of night be fascinating? Well, the “stuff of dreams” comes alive in the serenity of the night … say, “I have a dream”. Dream it. Make it even dreamier by sharing and recreating the dreams with your friends. It gets better! Visit dreamlands with them. And, you have a collective space filled with possibility in this too ‘real’ a world!

Night is also deep and magical. Sometimes we can be what we imagine ourselves to be. Imagination seems to be a great part of the night, be it imagining the unseen and unknown or be it imagining oneself to be one of the night creatures …Take a dip into the night of imagination. Give yourself a name. Give this name a form. Give this form a habitat. Give this habitat a space. And, you have your version of the nocturnal animal that you want to be!

This display includes Grade 3 students' work on the theme of ‘Night’ through the ideas of dreams and nocturnal animals. The children were encouraged to explore aspects of ‘Night’ through various exercises. The artwork presented here is the culmination of these explorations.

A video documenting the exhibition