Art Installation & Performance

Art Installation & Performance

This is a site-specific art installation in which a room has been turned into an abandoned once-home of a refugee family and the other, a brand new home that a family from a foreign land moves into. The question that we try to raise through this is -  Is a 'home' about memory or is it about functionality?

Using the trope of conceptual art, children of Head Start Educational Academy have created these interactive spaces by using objects that were found from the surrounding environment and in the process, re-imagining the way these objects would exist in an abandoned home and the city.
Refugee Crisis - An event or a tragedy?
This is a devised performance that is conceptualized, written, and created by the children of Grade 4 where they take a look at the irony of celebrating World Refugee Day . There are different dramatic sketches performed by children that question and criticize the way people turn tragedies into events, based on media reporting. This then diminishes the real crisis, though not always intentionally.
2nd April 2016
Venue: Primary Block, HSEA
Time: 11.30am
{Photographs: Nitin Vyas}
Posted in Theatre.