Middle & High School
Grades IV to X
Though we no longer follow the vertical age grouping of the Primary programme from Grade 4 upwards, children continue to strengthen and enrich their learning in the classroom and beyond. We have an integrated curriculum drawing upon important components of Boards such as the Indian Council of Secondary Education and the Cambridge International Examination but keep in mind our own philosophy and culture; a strong element being the ‘relationship with learning’ and ‘learning how to learn’ as our Founder, Riad Mahmood, says. This relationship helps in understanding concepts, making meaningful connections, applying knowledge and bringing to it one’s own thoughts, ideas and interpretation. Children are encouraged to use knowledge creatively, to know how to apply it, access it when required and build upon and internalize it.
“A child enclosed within limits however vast remains incapable of realizing his full value and will not succeed in adapting himself to the outer world. For him to progress rapidly, his practical and social lives must be intimately blended with his cultural environment.”
Montessori (From To Educate the Human Potential 1948)
Keeping the above words in mind, every year, school trips and excursions are planned for children, accompanied by educators, to experience new places, cultures, manage on their own away from the home environment, and expand their learning. Learn more about Travel and Learning here
Grades XI and XII
From 2015 our 11th and 12th Grade, AS and A Levels, programme commenced. This programme is designed to help students understand why they are learning what they are learning and to understand the connectivity between areas of study. We aim to lay the foundation for future study and build interest in the subjects children are pursuing.
An enrichment and mentorship opportunity will be an integral part of these two years. Our students will be working with mentors who will be available to them at all times along with the regular curricular teaching faculty.
Emphasis will be on preparing for future education and the steps to be taken towards entering graduate programmes. Guidance will be given to students who wish to study in India and abroad in the future. The students will also spend time with their mentors understanding the contemporary relevance of the subjects they are pursuing.
Learn more about our AS & A Levels programme
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